Listen to the latest episode of De Tekentafel

In this episode of De Tekentafel, we explore how design can enhance the well-being of individuals with implants. Joining the discussion are designer Bertrand Burgers, Dr. Anne-Floor de Kanter, a bioethicist, and nurses Maartje van Tiel (Groene Hart Hospital) and Bob Sprangers (Medtronic).

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Watch the WDE aftermovie 2024

Join us for a quick recap of the Designing Society exhibition at Dutch Design Week. You couldn’t miss it—the glass greenhouse with the bright yellow doors at Ketelhuisplein. For this 7th edition of WDE, all the Embassies, De Publieke Ontwerppraktijk (PONT), and the Labs showcased their work under one roof.

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Embassy conference: From thinking big to acting small

During the Embassy of Food conference at Dutch Design Week 2024, designers, scientists, policymakers, and farmers came together in round-table discussions to share their ideas on concrete challenges in the food sector. Discover the richness of these conversations by exploring the fourteen tables featured in the publication of the Embassy of Food Table Conversations.

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Embassy conference: Taking time as a recipe for a healthy society

How can health care shift to collaboration and reciprocity, where health is the new currency. Read the Embassy of Health conference report.

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Embassy conference: Water experts, designers and the construction industry

How can we work together for a regenerative future that centers on the connection between people and water? Read the report from the Embassy of Water conference.

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World Design Embassies deploys the power of design in the development of new perspectives and concrete directions to societal challenges. In open coalitions, we work with partners and designers on the future.

Choose your Embassy

Choose your Embassy
  • Embassy of Digital Futures

    Balancing between Utopia and Dystopia
  • Embassy of Inclusive Society

    An active process of learning and unlearning
  • Embassy of Safety

    New safety
  • Embassy of Health

    Health as wealth: The Waiting Room
  • Embassy of Mobility

    Cities for people
  • Embassy of Circular & Biobased Building

    Building as a Landscpae
  • Embassy of Water

  • Embassy of Food

    The new wheel of five
  • Maakruimte voor Mooi NL

Embassy of Digital Futures

Balancing between Utopia and Dystopia

Embassy of Inclusive Society

An active process of learning and unlearning

Embassy of Safety

New safety

Embassy of Health

Health as wealth: The Waiting Room

Embassy of Mobility

Cities for people

Embassy of Circular & Biobased Building

Building as a Landscpae

Embassy of Water


Embassy of Food

The new wheel of five

Maakruimte voor Mooi NL




Events als learning cycles


Webinar: Design approach in the public sector


De Generatiedenkers: PINWU Design Studio


De Tekentafel: How can design help people who need implants?


Embassy conference: From thinking big to acting small


Amsterdam empowers youth to shape their digital future

Want to partner up? Contact us!



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