What would you do with 1,8 million?

If you cross the line, you can get a community service sentence. That means you must do something good for society for x number of hours. But what exactly is ‘something good’? And what does society consider ‘something good’? 

Type Project
What would you do with 1,8 million?

Every year, convicted individuals in the Netherlands are sentenced to a total of 1.8 million hours of community service. That’s equivalent to 50,000 full-time work weeks! Valuable manpower that society can put to good use. The societal impact of what people with community service sentences do may not be immediately visible. So, what do they do? They help in nursing homes, work in thrift stores, maintain parks and nature reserves, and so on. A nice way to make amends, isn’t it? What do you think?

We posed this question to probation officers and individuals serving community service sentences, and now we’re asking you too. What would you do with 1.8 million hours of community service? What do you believe would make the Netherlands a better place? Take a coin and give one week to the cause you find most valuable.

Project by: The Dutch Probation Service

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