Voice of Water Toolkit

By Chiara Treglia, tini studio

The Voice of Water Toolkit helps building companies to take into account the wishes and well-being of water when building new homes

Type Project
Voice of Water Toolkit

At the Embassy of Water, the Voice of Water is always present at the conference table. We like to work together with water, instead of talking about water. The Embassy of Water invites governments and companies to make decisions in this way too: from the point of view of water. Designer Chiara Treglia will present a toolkit during Dutch Design Week 2022 with which housing associations and project developers can involve water as an important stakeholder in the construction of new homes. It is an interactive experience that helps building companies to include the perspective of water in their daily work.

In the Designhuis in Eindhoven, housing associations, developers, designers and voices of water come together to take the first steps towards regenerative urban development. This is necessary, because fresh water is becoming increasingly scarce due to climate change and pollution. Our current system is aimed at using and then discarding water. Regenerative water design ensures that new homes restore water and return it to nature in a better state. This requires a change of thinking and acting. The Voice of Water Toolkit guides the building industry step by step in the development of water-friendly and water-restoring homes.

Read more about tini studio.

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