Jetske van Oosten and Tabo Goudswaard in De Correspondent

According to ambassadors of the WDE programme Jetske van Oosten and Tabo Goudswaard, there is a maker hidden in everyone. Hence, they wrote the book Make Power. This book was launched during the WDE conference Ch… Ch… Changes during Dutch Design Week.

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Published on 14 November 2022
Jetske van Oosten and Tabo Goudswaard in De Correspondent
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The book is a simplified way of how you see design methodology, Goudswaard told during the conference. “It’s a kind of roadmap you can use to get from a to z to change. We believe incredibly in the maker power of people. With this book, we want to awaken the maker that lurks in everyone.”

A new approach to complex issues

Last weekend, an interview with Van Oosten and Goudswaard appeared in De Correspondent. Lex Bohlmeijer talks to them about a new approach to complex issues. Why do we need the thinking and working methods of designers? Van Oosten and Goudswaard share inspiring and concrete examples of how social design stimulates social change.

Read the article here!

Prefer to listen to the interview? De Correspondent also made a podcast with them. Listen to it here!

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