TNO Fieldlab for zero-emission construction

In recent months, TNO has tested 9 innovative materials and building methods from The Exploded View Beyond Building in a field lab to see whether and how they can contribute to CO2 and nitrogen reduction in construction.

Type Project
TNO Fieldlab for zero-emission construction

TNO has not only analyzed the 9 innovations for climate impact, but also for application possibilities and development prospects. By actively involving architects, builders and policymakers in the research, in addition to producers, the questions and needs from these market parties are also included and valuable collaborations with the producers are created.

The field lab helps producers take the next step in the development of their material. In this exhibition we show where the innovations are on the development line of sustainable building materials and what these ‘daring people’ still need to become and remain successful.

We also present an agenda with action points that are crucial to make the switch to a sustainable building system and that the producers alone cannot tackle.

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