The niteshop: embassy of the superdiverse city

Growing old in the city

Type Project
The niteshop: embassy of the superdiverse city

We are increasingly dealing with a new urban reality. It is therefore essential to design other structures and to consider the importance of futuristic institutions. The Niteshop: Embassy of the Superdiverse City is one such futuristic institution. The richness that you find in super diverse cities is central here.

The Niteshop considers the knowledge and skills of citizens on the margins of society indispensable for tackling transitional challenges. After all, citizens know where the problems lie. The Niteshop organizes this so-called ‘fringe capital’ by realizing sustainable collaborations between institutes and a new generation of city dwellers who are transforming their city on a daily basis.

The film is about aging in the superdiverse city. What role do seniors from migrant communities play in education and transferring knowledge? These and other questions and answers are discussed in conversations and street interviews.

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